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Ek is so dankbaar dat my kind die klas gekies het, ons het soveel wys geword! Julle moet miskien dit oorweeg om dit vir gesinne aan te bied. My broer en sy gesin en my ma en haar suster het die vulkaan verskriklik geniet. My kind was so in sy noppies oordat hy vir al die ou mense iets kon leer. My opinie is dat dit die mees opvoedkundigste ding is wat Jamie seker sal doen en ek hoop dit bou sy liefde vir Wetenskap as 'n vak later in sy lewe. Baie dankie!
Wanda Strauss (Ouer: Sonop)
Brilliant programme for kids, fun and educational. My 5 year old can explain and prove that sound does travel, among many other theories. I am very impressed with what she has learnt and that she has taken a keen interest in science.
Mazza Latib via facebook
“HOEKOM HET JULLE DIT NIE LANKAL BEGIN NIE?” Bianca geniet haar gate uit en kan nie wag vir Vrydae nie. Sy vertel met kleur en geur wat julle alles in die klassie doen en versondig my siel omtrent met die eksperiment wat ons by die huis moet doen. Sy wil nie verstaan dat ons eers vir pappa ook moet wag om dit te doen nie. Skone opgewondenheid. En dis die beste ding wat ek haar kon laat doen het, want sy is so leergierig. Sy onthou nou nog die wetenskaplikes se name. Wel gedaan, met ‘n puik produk!!!!!!!
Lynette de Beer (Ouer: Bollie)
Our entire household LOVE Experi-Buddies! We have all learnt things we've thought we'd forgotten. And the special star, my 6-year-old daughter, cannot stop talking about her experiences and all the inventors, designers, scientists she's learning about! Not to mention the 'take-home' experiments weekly! You have surpassed ALL extra-murals for kids..... This is something my child will never forget. Well done! X
Norah Papanicolaou via facebook
Sven has enjoyed the sessions tremendously and is forever building all sorts of things at home. The experiments stay on our (large and cluttered) kitchen table the whole week (and more) and he is revisiting them often, in between his other scenes made out of boxes and branches and sticky tape and paper and anything else, all over the house. He also easily remembers the names of the inventors and the scientific knowledge, which he has seen in other kids’ books, so these are very good opportunities to put real objects with existing names, pictures and faces. Thank you for work well done!
Dr Wozniak (Parent: Theodor Herzl)
Dear Experi-Buddies Team

Thank you so much for your lovely visit to our Grade R class a few weeks ago! I had such a wonderful time watching the children’s faces light up as science became fun, and a reality for each of them!

The length and time of the ‘lesson’ was perfect for their specific age group. As they do tend to get overly excited very quickly, I felt that you maintained control of a large group in an extraordinary manner, reminding them to sit down and encouraging them to listen carefully for noises! You addressed the lesson in a way that was very concrete and visual for them, and your introduction to the class on the carpet went very well.  You grabbed their attention, and made them feel that they could also be ‘scientists’ in their own capacity, and gave them the opportunity to explore new and exciting things! You explained some of the vital rules of being a young scientist, and with the help of the other adults in the room, you gave them the opportunity to feel intelligent and happy, as they explored the dimensions of doing their own experiments!

What I enjoyed most about the lesson that you provided, is that the children were exposed to science in an exciting and fun way! You made it understandable, age appropriate and gave them the opportunity to ask questions, reason and think for themselves! I hope that as they get older someday, they’ll be able to remember the fun and exciting day that we had, and be able to apply the same fun attitude, in exploring new scientific concepts and experiments in the future!
Tracy Galloway, Little Eagles Grade R Teacher
Ons juffrouens van Bambi was uit die staanspoor baie opgewonde oor die konsep van Experi-Maatjies! Ons word elke jaar oorval deur mense wat buitemuurse programme wil kom aanbied en ons moet uiters selektief wees in ons keuses. Ons kon egter reeds tydens Experi-Maatjies se bekendstelling sien dat ons met 'n kwaliteit-program te doen het. Die program is deeglik nagevors en die aanbieding is prakties, prikkelend en pret - perfek vir voorskoolse kinders! Musiek en sintuiglike waarneming word effektief gebruik om konsepte of feite vas te lê. Van die eerste les af was die ouers al "Experi-Ouers" - hulle was amper meer opgewonde as die kinders om te sien wat in die week se Experi-pakkie is. Wetenskap sal beslis nooit "droog" wees vir hierdie kinders nie. Bambi beveel Experi-Maatjies ten sterkste aan vir alle voorskoolse kinders! Beste Wense.
Esmari du Toit (Skoolhoof)
So, baie dankie! My kinders is elke Vrydag in vervoering as ek hulle by die skool gaan kry na die klassie. Ek verstom my aan die hoeveelheid detail wat hulle kan weergee na so 'n sessie. Selfs klein Ezaan! Luan kon vanmiddag nie wag om by die huis te kom nie; was baie seker dat daar 'n 'treasure' in sy stukkie 'sandsteen' sou wees - soos 'n diamant of iets! Gek gewees oor die vulkaan en toe hy vertel hoe die vulkaan oorgeborrel het, het die ogies gesprankel van pure lekkerte!
Ben is mal oor Experi-Maatjies en ons doen ywerig die eksperimente by die huis wat hy saam terugbring. Die vulkaan was natuurlik 'n wenner en die suiker wat op die styf gespande ballon rondhop wanneer daar naby dit geskree word - hulle het dae lank gegil! Die inligtingstukkies wat hul elke week terugbring is regtig oulik, ek en my man leer ook baie! Ben sal sommer uit die bloute oor n eksperiment begin gesels, so dit laat hulle definitief dink en die breinstoffies laat vloei!